Published version vs Draft version
  • 15 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Published version vs Draft version

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Article summary

Data management of a Site is performed by admin users. The workflow enables the site admin to work on a draft version of the site, while other users work on a live (published) version of the same site. The draft version of the site is created in Site Setup or during the site creation process. This allows you to add/edit data and perform a QC before publishing the changes to all users.

Published Version

In the published version of the site, you can interact with the site data by:

  • Viewing and navigating through the site

  • Using and editing POI's

  • Using the Mark & Measure tool

  • Using Crop & Download

Users with the proper permission level also have access to the tools:

  • Data Processing

  • Download Bundles

  • Task manager

Draft Version

In the draft version of the site, you can manage and edit the site data and data permissions by:

  • Viewing and navigating through the draft version of the site

  • Editing Datasets

  • Create, import, add, or delete bundles

  • Editing custom model attributes

  • Using site setup tools

  • Managing settings

    • Hide images

    • Edit site location

Published version side menu

Draft version side menu

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated
A screenshot of a phone  Description automatically generated

View draft

The admin of the site can give users access rights to view (but not edit) the draft version of a site.


  1. From the site dashboard go to the menu.


  2. From the access menu click Groups.


  3. Click the View drop-down menu and select View draft. This gives anyone in that group the right to view draft content.

  4. Go to the site and click View draft to see the draft that the admin is working on.


Draft available

Note: A site will display Draft available if an admin has created a draft by clicking on Site Setup or during the site creation process.


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