Dataset Management
  • 15 May 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Dataset Management

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Article summary

The Dataset Management screen is where you manage the Datasets you have in NavVis IVION.

  • Add, remove or delete datasets.

  • Upload external Point clouds.

  • View details of the datasets.

    • View the number of datasets, maps, nodes, edges.

    • View the number of counted panoramic images.

Note: For more information about panoramic images and how they are counted refer here.

Uploading NavVis Datasets

If you have processed your data with the Desktop Processing Software, you can upload the following files to:

  • Individual datasets: You can upload individual .nvd datasets from the datasets_web folder.

  • Alignment .xml files: If you want to include control point information in your Site, you can upload alignment .xml files generated in the datasets_web folder during processing.

  • Bundle files: You can upload bundle files in .xml or .json format from other instances generated in the datasets_web folder during dataset alignment.


  1. Go to Site Setup > Dataset Management.

  2. Click Upload bundle or dataset.

  3. Select the file(s) you want to upload from your computer. Individual datasets will be listed under Datasets Without Bundle. Bundle files will be listed under Alignment Bundles.

  4. Click Publish.

Importing External Point clouds

Follow these steps to import point clouds from non-NavVis devices into NavVis IVION.

Note: Navvis IVION supports the following point cloud formats: .ptx, .ply, .pts, .xyz, and .e57. For .pts files, the range of intensity values has to be between -2048 to 2047.


  1. Go to Site Setup > Dataset Management.

  2. Click Upload point cloud to open your file browser.

  3. Select the file(s) you want to import. A dialog opens asking you to choose a coordinate system for your dataset(s).

  4. Select  Site coordinate system to import the dataset(s) into the previously defined coordinate system.

  5. Select Spatial reference system to choose a projected, metric system for the dataset(s).

    1. Start typing a name and select the desired spatial reference system from the options that appear.

  6. Select Pick location on map to choose a location for the dataset(s).

    1. Click Next.

    2. Pick a location for the dataset on the map. Search for an address or coordinates and, if necessary, adjust the location of the location picker.

  7. Click Import.

  8. Click Publish.

What Can I Do With Imported Point clouds?

You can use imported point clouds for most of the same things as point clouds from devices.

  • Align the point clouds.

  • Create points of interest in them.

  • Measure distances between any two points.

  • Navigate through the point clouds by double-clicking.

  • Change the appearance and quality settings of the point clouds.

The following features are only available for imported point clouds with Normals. In NavVis IVION, Normals can be generated during the upload of .e57 files with sensor origins.

Note: Normal generation is not supported for file formats other than .e57.

  • Use automatic fine-alignment with imported point clouds.

  • Automatically generate 2D maps or a navigation graph for the imported point clouds.

Adding Datasets to the Database

After you have uploaded datasets, you have to add the datasets to the site's database.


  1. Go to Site Setup > Dataset Management.

  2. Find the dataset(s) that you want to add to the database. If you uploaded datasets individually, they will be listed under Datasets Without Bundle. If you uploaded datasets as part of a bundle, they will be listed under Alignment Bundles.


Note: You can tell which datasets have been added to the database by looking at which action is available for them. A + button means the dataset is not in the database and can be added, while a - button means it is in the database and can be removed.

  1. Click on the + button next to the dataset you want to add to the database. A dialog opens asking you to choose the coordinate system for your dataset.

  2. Select Site coordinate system to import the dataset into the previously defined coordinate system.

  3. Select Pick location on map to choose a new location for the dataset.

    1. Click Next.

    2. Pick a location for the dataset on the map. Search for an address or coordinates and, if necessary, adjust the location of the location picker.

  4. Click Import

  5. Click Publish.

Removing Datasets from the Database


  1. Go to Site Setup > Dataset Management.

  2. If the dataset is part of an alignment bundle, click the pencil button next to the bundle and remove the dataset.

  3. If the dataset is not part of an alignment bundle, click the - button next to the dataset.

Deleting Datasets from the Database


  1. Go to Site Setup > Dataset Management.

  2. If the dataset is part of an alignment bundle, click the pencil button next to the bundle and remove the dataset.

  3. If the dataset is not part of an alignment bundle, click the - button next to the dataset to remove it from the database.

  4. Click the bin button next to the dataset to delete it.

  5. Click Publish.

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