Scanning Screen
  • 17 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Scanning Screen

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Article summary

While you are scanning, the Scanning Screen is displayed. This screen can be divided into five sections:

  • Status Bar: View the status and settings of the camera. Refer here for more information.

  • SLAM Status Bar: View the stability in real-time of the scan in progress. Refer here for more information.

  • Action Bar: You can change the settings and control the functions and features of the device.

  • Quality Map: Show you in real-time information about the scanning you are performing.

  • Navigation Bar: You can re-center the screen, or for example, change floors, depending on which setting you are in.

Actions Bar

  • The Settings Button scanning_settings is where you can change settings of the cameras.

  • Tap the Panorama Preview to see a list of the panoramas taken in the current dataset. You can edit or delete them. You can also see the number of panoramas in the dataset and a thumbnail of the last one taken.

  • Tap the Control Point Icon to see how many control points have been recorded, tap to add a control point and view, edit and delete all control points added to the current dataset.

  • Tap the Start Icon or Pause Icon for pausing and restarting the scan and see how much time has passed since the beginning of the scan.

  • Tap the Save Icon to stop and save the scanned data.

Navigation Bar

This is where you control the view of the Quality Map.

  • Tap the Recenter Icon in the bottom left corner to recenter the live map, refer here for more information.

  • This part of the screen will display floor navigation when changing floors, as shown in the example above,  refer here for more information.

Status Bar

The Status Bar shows you the status of the device.

  • The amount of Li-Ion Battery charge remaining in percentage.

  • The amount of storage space remaining in the USB-C Flash Drive.

  • The example shown below is when the device is PAUSED. In this status no point cloud data is captured, automatic camera triggering is disabled, but the sensors of the device are still tracking its position, and the SLAM is still active.

SLAM Status Bar

In the Status Bar you can view an indicator of the stability of the SLAM while you are scanning in real-time. In the example shown below, the SLAM Status Bar is showing green.

  • Green indicates high stability.

  • Yellow indicates reduced stability.

  • Red indicates a lost SLAM, and recovery is needed.

Quality Map

Interpreting the information shown on the Quality Map

Shown below is an example of the Scanning Screen. You can see the operator is going through a door. The area marked blue is where there is good coverage, the ceiling and the floor are mapped, but you can see some areas of light green in the lower left corner indicating that only the ceiling was scanned.

As the operator goes through the door you can see a dark green area indicating the floor has been successfully mapped but not the ceiling.

Check the screen often when scanning, it informs you of the completeness of your scanning session.

  • The yellow arrow represents where you are now.

  • The yellow lines extending out from the yellow arrow represent the Lidar rays emitting from the Laser Scanner at the top of the device.

  • The white curly line shows the route you have taken.

  • There are two types of panoramic views represented:

    • 360° Panoramic view.

    • 270° Panoramic view (which also indicates the direction with the small arrow).

  • The Control Point Icon show the location of a control point and its name.

The colors in the Quality Map show how complete the scan is:

  • Blue: The ceiling and floor are mapped.

  • Light Green: The ceiling is mapped, but the floor has not been mapped.

  • Dark Green: The floor is mapped, but the ceiling has not been mapped.

  • White: Walls and other vertical objects.

SLAM Recovery

During scanning it is possible that the device may lose its ability to track motion. this can occur for a variety of reasons, for example if the Laser Scanner cannot detect distinct structures (e.g. in a tunnel) AND the VO cameras cannot detect any texture (e.g. white wall). When this happens, we refer to it as a SLAM lost status. To recover from a SLAM lost status, perform the following procedure:

  • Change orientation:

    • Tilt the device upright.

    • Turn around to give the device a view of the previously scanned area.

  • If changing orientation does not help, you can trace your path back by 1m (Maximum 2m).

  • Within this area move the device slowly, make previously scanned structures visible again to the device.

  • Once the device has found its position again and is no longer lost, move forward slowly and continue with the scan. Try to keep the SLAM Status Bar green, try holding the device in different positions, varying the angles of the scanner to the environment you are scanning in.

  • If you repeatedly loose tracking in a corridor, try holding device sideways to make sure the laser of the device sees the beginning and the end of the corridor.

  • If after multiple attempts a recovery is not possible, restart the scan. Begin a little before the lost SLAM status was displayed, try to keep the device upright for a more stable SLAM in that area.

System Status Messages

Errors and Warnings are shown as pop-up messages.

Red warnings: A red warning indicates a critical issue that requires your immediate attention.

lost slam

Yellow warning: A yellow warning indicates important information that needs user attention, but you can continue to scan.

low accuracy

Note: In the case of errors, read the error message carefully and contact NavVis Support with all available information.

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