  • 15 Mar 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

In NavVis IVION, you can search for a specific site, information within sites, and information between sites (enterprise only).

Searching for Sites


  1. Open the instance dashboard:

    • At the top left, click the Search Sites icon (magnifying glass), or

    • From the left side, click the Sites icon (globe).

    You are taken to the map that displays your sites as location markers (blue pins).

  2. From the top left of the map, in the Search Sites field, start typing the site name that you want to find.

    If you type the exact site name, or there is only one site with that name, the map will automatically zoom in to that site location marker.

    Note: If you mistype a site name, or it does not exist, a no result message will be displayed.

  3. If a list of multiple sites is displayed, select the site you want from the list, or click the site location marker on the map to go to that site.

    Note: Use your mouse pointer to navigate to a site on the map.

Searching within Sites

You can search within a site for the following information:

  • Point of Interest (POI) names in all languages where data is available.

  • POI descriptions in all languages where data is available.

  • Custom data added to POIs.

  • Site Model entity names (if site model search is enabled).

  • Custom attributes of site model entities (if site model search is enabled and only for logged-in site administrators).

Note: For newly created instances, the site model search is enabled by default.


  1. Log in to a site.

  2. From the site, click the Search field on the top left.

  3. Start typing a query to see results. A list of results appears as you type.

  4. Press enter to open a sidebar with all search results.

  5. Click a result to open the details panel for that POI or site model entity. If you opened the details panel from the results sidebar, you can follow the link Return to results to go back. From a POI details panel, you can open the details panels for the site model entities containing that POI. From an entity details panel, you can open the details panels for its parent entities.

Sorting Site Entities in the Dataset Trees

Efficiently navigate big sites by quickly jumping to the desired building.

Site entities can be sorted alphanumerically by name in the dataset tree in all NavVis IVION tools (datasets list, site model, dataset alignment, etc).

Searching Across All Sites (Enterprise Only)

You can search across all sites you have access to.

You can search for the following information:

  • Point of Interest (POI) names in all languages where data is available.

  • POI descriptions in all languages where data is available.

  • Custom data added to POIs.

  • Site Model entity names (if site model search is enabled).

  • Custom attributes of site model entities (if site model search is enabled and only for logged-in site administrators).


  1. Log in to a site.

  2. From the site, click the location pin icon next to the search field in the top left corner.

    A sidewalk with bushes and trees  Description automatically generated
  3. From the drop-down menu, select All sites.

    A screenshot of a computer screen  Description automatically generated
  4. Start typing a query. A list of results appears as you type.

  5. Press enter to open a sidebar with all search results or click See all results across all sites.

  6. You can filter the results by POIs and site entities.

  7. If you click a result in the same site, the details panel opens for that POI or site entity. If you click a result in another site, the details panel and site open in a new tab.

Searching for Site Model Entities

Site model entities make up the site model of a site. They are volumes of 3D space that have a name and dimensions, and may have custom attributes.

If the site model search was enabled from the configuration settings by your administrator, you can find any site model entity by typing its name into the search box. Click a search result to open the details panel for that site model entity.

A screenshot of a room with glass doors  Description automatically generated

As with POIs, you can share or route to any site model entity from the details panel. Administrators can also add information by editing the site model entity.

Site mode entities do not have descriptions, but their details panels contain the following information:

  • Points of Interest located within the entity - visible to anyone who can see the POIs.

  • Dimensions - visible to users with permission.

  • Custom Attributes - visible to users with permission.

Searching for a Point of Interest (POI)

Points of Interest, or POIs, are points in the 3D space of the site that have information attached to them. A POI name and content can be set for one or more languages.


  1. Type a POI name in the search box in the top left corner to search the instance for that POI. The search box provides an auto-complete feature. Click a suggestion to see the POI details panel.

    A conveyor belt in a factory  Description automatically generated
  2. A POI details panel also opens if you click on any of the POI icons visible on the map or in the panoramas. This panel displays the POI's icon, as well as its name and content in the language you are viewing the instance in. If that language is not available for the POI, it defaults to English.

    A fire extinguisher on a wall  Description automatically generated

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