How to organize international device shipments to and from NavVis HQ
  • 11 Mar 2024
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How to organize international device shipments to and from NavVis HQ

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Article summary

If a NavVis device breaks, it may need to be returned to NavVis HQ in Germany to be repaired or replaced. This article guides you through the shipping procedures.

These instructions are applicable to the following regions:

  • Americas (incl. US, Canada, South America)

  • Asia, Pacific and Japan (APJ)

  • China

  • Europe, Middle-East and Africa (EMEA; all non-EU countries)

Shipping within the EU customs union does not follow the same international regulations, but is easy to handle without this article.

International shipments, where both NavVis and you need to be involved during organization, are necessary when:

  • Sending a broken device to German HQ and it is to be returned after repair.

  • Sending a broken device to German HQ and it is to be exchanged with an equivalent device.

Shipping should never be organized without a proper damage assessment of a device with NavVis Support. Refer here for more information.

Who is responsible for shipping?

In case a Repair Service is covered by warranty, NavVis will take responsibility for shipping organization in both directions, as shipping costs will also be covered by NavVis.

If a Repair is not covered by warranty, you and your company must organize shipping. NavVis also offers to take responsibility for shipping and the necessary bookings with an international carrier. However in this scenario, shipping

  • Cannot be quoted at a fixed rate

  • Will be booked with a known and trusted carrier of NavVis at the currently valid daily transportation rate

  • Will be invoiced separately after the successful Repair

No matter which party takes ownership of the shipping organization, both parties need to sync on required documents beforehand and answer open questions during export/import procedures. The INCOTERMS for the necessary shipments will be listed in the agreed upon quotes for the Repair Service.

Who is involved in the shipping process?

  1. NavVis organizes the shipping with an international shipping company.

  2. This shipping company acts as a carrier of the device by using potential national subcontractors.

  3. The shipping company have their own customs broker, helping NavVis prepare all documents necessary for export of the device.

  4. Once export is complete and the shipment has entered the customer’s country, the national customs office of the consignee is informed and decides on the applicable import regulations

  5. The customer is then informed and must authorize a customs broker to arrange import procedures and has the choice between organizing their own trusted local customs broker or granting this authorization to the customs broker used by the shipping company.

  6. Once the import is cleared, the carrier will proceed with the delivery of the device to the customer's location.

Note: Customs fee & import taxes

It is a common misconception that all shipments involving repairs and returns are duty and tax free. Both depend on national law and international economic agreements between the two countries shipped from and to. However, thorough synchronization on and preparation of the shipment's paperwork can prevent from negative surprises. Basis for any calculations of the expected costs is always the current unit price of the full device shipped.

Customs fees must be paid, but can often be reduced if the repair, return or exchange reason is thoroughly explained. The local customs broker representing the consignee can provide information on which documentation is exactly needed for national authorities.

Import taxes will apply for all shipments. This cost can be offset with pre-tax allowances or reclaimed in yearly tax reports depending on the applicable national laws. Only the consignee of the shipment is subject to these regulations and has the possibility to reclaim any taxes. The consignee or their representative (= customs broker) is therefore responsible to correctly report and pay taxes to local authorities in the first place, even for Repair Services under warranty.

The following sections contain important tips on how to set up documentation to minimize risks and cost for shipment.

Who needs to provide which documents?

The sender of the shipment always needs to provide at least the two documents listed below, even if the consignee is the one organizing the pick-up from the sender.

Packing list should provide the detailed list of devices, associated boxes and their content. The more detail is given the easier the device will pass import/export procedures. This document can also be used to verify the successful handover to the shipping company.

A pro-forma invoice needs to be set up with the sender's standard financial tool, giving it the sender's company letterhead as well as a unique identifiable invoice number. The invoice needs to include:

  • current unit price of the device

  • HS code for the device ("HS code")

  • country of origin of the device ("device is of pure German origin")

  • reason for import ("Repair/Return/Exchange of broken device (under warranty)" based on what is applicable)

  • expected service period (as standard "3 months" can be chosen)

  • overall package weight and net weight of the package content

  • dimensions of the package

Please find a detailed instruction on how to create a pro-forma invoice in the following article:

How to set up a proforma invoice for international device shipments

Packing the NavVis device

Not all accessories of a device are necessary for a repair in Germany. You can keep

  • the device external SSD with your confidential data

  • the batteries

  • any smaller accessories, eg. wheel pump, charger, SSD-cables...

A special dangerous goods declaration is necessary if batteries are shipped. A shipment including batteries needs additional procurements when booking the shipment. It also needs to be made visible on the package itself. Print and attach the following sticker on the package, if batteries must be shipped with the device after agreement with NavVis:

NavVis recommends to pack the device on pallet and securing it with plastic shrink-wrap whenever possible. All available shipping documents (booking order, packing list, pro-forma invoice...) need to be attached on the package, easily reachable by carriers and customs officers.

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