Warning Messages
  • 19 Feb 2024
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Warning Messages

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Article summary

Collision Warning

Beware of obstacles at the height of the camera head. If the camera head comes close to a wall, door frame, or other obstacle, the internal collision detection alerts the operator:

Note: Always be careful when carrying or moving the device. The collision warning is only active during mapping and does not guarantee that every potential collision can be detected, for example when going through doors or narrow environments.

Critical Errors

If a sensor or critical software component fails, an alert dialog with a stop sign appears. Errors cannot be resolved by the operator while mapping; the map is most likely broken. To address the issue, try these steps:

  • Stop mapping and create a new dataset before continuing.

  • First aid: If the alert dialog re-appears after stopping and restarting mapping, try either to restart the mapping application or to cold-reboot the system. If the stop sign still appears, contact NavVis technical support.

  • Diagnosis:

    • Go to the system settings and tap "Show Log" to view live logs. This window shows the system state in more detail.

    • Take a screenshot of the system status and send it to NavVis technical support along with the Log Files from the affected dataset.

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