Potential Warnings & Errors During Mapping
  • 18 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Potential Warnings & Errors During Mapping

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Article summary

Unexpected Errors

If the NavVis M6 has an unexpected hardware or software error, a message appears indicating the problem and advises the user to manually stop and save the Dataset within 20 seconds. Restart the NavVis M6 and start another dataset.


  1. From the Unexpected error screen, tap SAVE DATASET (20 SEC) to manually stop and save the current dataset. The countdown timer indicates the time left to save the dataset.

    Note: The NavVis M6 automatically saves the dataset after 20 seconds.

  2. Restart the NavVis M6 by pressing the power button.

  3. Start a new dataset.

Battery Notifications

After starting the NavVis M6, if the batteries on the device are in a critical state (less than 10% of charge left) a message will ask the user to replace the batteries. Until they are replaced, a dataset cannot be started and the START MAPPING button will be disabled.

Use the following information to determine the severity of the battery problem and the corrective action.

Note: Change the batteries as soon as a battery notification appears to prevent a shutdown of the device.

Note: Users can close a battery information notification and a warning notification, but not a critical notification.

Note: These battery notifications only appear during mapping.

Battery Status Critical

A red Battery status critical notification means both batteries on the NavVis M6 are critically low in charge (less than 20% charge) and the device will initiate a safe shutdown after 60 seconds. Before continuing, replace both batteries with fully charged batteries and start the NavVis M6 again.

Batteries Low

A yellow Batteries low warning notification appears when both batteries are low in charge. Before continuing, immediately replace both batteries with two fully charged batteries.

Camera Download Error

If the NavVis M6 has a camera download error while scanning, it means some of the panoramic images cannot be downloaded from the cameras. To continue, NavVis recommends you format the cameras following these steps:

  1. From the Camera Download Error screen, tap FORMAT CAMERAS to format the cameras on the NavVis M6. The loading icon appears while the cameras are being formatted and the main screen appears when cameras have been successfully formatted.

    Note: If the user IGNOREs this and does not format the cameras, the main screen will appear, but the NavVis M6 may not be in a good state.

    Note: The dataset is saved, but panoramic images will be missing from it.

  2. Check the dataset to determine the missing images. From the main screen, tap Preview Datasets.

  3. From the Completed Datasets screen, tap the dataset to preview for missing images.

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