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Article summary

Post-processes the specified Recorded datasets.

See also: Post-Processing using SiteMaker


navvis-postprocessing -h

 Post-processing of NavVis datasets, (c) 2021 NavVis GmbH
usage: navvis-postprocessing [options] --proc-base-dir=<output> <input>

Post-processes datasets of NavVis mobile mapping systems.
For more information see the documentation at:
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optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Standard arguments:
  input                 List of recorded datasets, i.e. one or multiple dataset directories that should
                        be processes. May contain wildcards "/my/data/datasets_rec/*" for processing
                        multiple datasets.
  --proc-base-dir /path/to/datasets_proc
                        Base directory where sub-folders will be created for all output directories.
  --start-time START_TIME
                        Start time from which to begin processing dataset. Either in seconds from the
                        beginning of the dataset or as an absolute unix timestamp in seconds.
  --stop-time STOP_TIME
                        Stop time until which to process device. Either in seconds from the beginning
                        of the dataset or as an absolute unix timestamp in seconds.

  --force, -f           Force post-processing: Overwrite existing files/directories. (default: False)
  --no-auto-transform   Disables automatic transformation into the control point coordinate system.
                        This only has an impact if the option --use-anchors is specified. (default:
  --no-terminal-text-color, --no-color
                        Do not colorize text in terminal. (default: False)

  --use-anchors         If given will use anchor poses in rec dataset for post-processing if they are
                        present or use the file given with --anchor-poses (default: False)
  --anchor-poses ANCHOR_POSES
                        If given in addition to --use-anchors, use anchor poses from provided file for
                        all datasets. File may be in anchor poses txt format or anchor poses csv format
  --force-trajectories  Forces regeneration of trajectories and anchor artifacts. (default: False)

Point cloud generation:
  --res [0.005, 0.01, ... 0.2]
                        Sets the spatial resolution in [m] of the generated point cloud. (default: 0.01)
  --preset {standard,outdoors,high-confidence}
                        Pointcloud settings which control which regions of the recorded data will
                        appear in final pointcloud (VLX Only). Standard should give good results in a
                        wide range of scenarios. Outdoors gives more complete results in areas where
                        objects were only scanned sparsely and increases maximum range. High-confidence
                        will reduce the maximum range and keep only well scanned areas. This can be used
                        to remove unintentionally scanned regions and keep only the most accurately
                        scanned regions.
  --dynamic-objects-filter-mode {disabled,balanced,aggressive}
                        Desired strength of dynamic object filtering from clouds. (default: balanced)
  --max-laser-range MAX_LASER_RANGE
                        Sets the maximum range in [m] used to generate the point cloud. (default: 30.0)
  --force-cloud         Force processing of point cloud: Overwrite existing point cloud and also run
                        coloring of point cloud. (default: False)
  --cloud-format {e57,pts,ptx,pcd,xyz,las,ply} [{e57,pts,ptx,pcd,xyz,las,ply} ...]
                        Sets the desired pointcloud output format(s). Multiple values can be given if
                        more than one format is desired. (default: ['ply'])
  --cloud-mode {sharp-edges, balanced, smooth-surfaces}
                        Controls the point cloud filtering mode. See
                        for details. (default: sharp-edges)

Point cloud coloring:
  --no-color-cloud      Do not colorize the point cloud with RGB colors from images. Instead the cloud
                        will have lidar return intensities on the intensity channel. These are usually
                        shown as grayscale values in viewing applications. (default: False)
  --force-color-cloud   Force the coloring of the point cloud: Overwrite an existing cloud. (default:

Panorama Rendering:
  --force-pano          Force panorama stitching: Overwrite existing files/directories. (default: False)
  --no-pano             Do not render panoramic images. (default: False)
  --mask-pano MASK_PANO
                        An optional "operator mask" to cut out the operator from the panoramic images.
                        If omitted, a default "operator mask" is computed internally and applied to the
                        panoramic images.
                        See the mapping documentation for how to create an operator mask.
                        Disable panoramic image floor filling. (default: False)
  --num-panos-parallel NUM_PANO_THREADS
                        Set the number of rendered panoramas in parallel.
                        Allowed values: [1, 2, 3, ...].
                        Note: The maximum amount of rendered panoramas in parallel is limited by the
                        number of available system threads and the available/free system memory (RAM).
                        If omitted, the number of rendered panoramas in parallel is computed internally,
                        whereby the default number of parallel rendered panoramas is limited to 8.
                        (default: None)

Usage examples:

  Process a single dataset:
   navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/2014-11-23_14.48.37

  Process multiple datasets, one after another:
   navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

  Process multiple datasets, one after another within a joint coordinate system with SLAM anchors:
   navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*  --use-anchors --anchor-poses=/data/Project/my_anchor_poses.txt

  Process a single dataset without panorama stitching:
   navvis-postprocessing --no-pano --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/2014-11-23_14.48.37

  Force panorama stitching for multiple datasets, overwrite existing data:
   navvis-postprocessing --force-pano --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

  Force point cloud processing and coloring, overwrite existing data:
   navvis-postprocessing --force-cloud --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

  Process multiple datasets and set desired number of panoramic images rendered in parallel:
   navvis-postprocessing --num-panos-parallel=4 --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

Note: The script will skip all datasets that have been processed already to avoid double computations. Force a re-processing by passing --force.

Usage Examples

Process a single Dataset:

navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/2014-11-23_14.48.37

Process multiple datasets, one after another:

navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

Process multiple datasets, one after another within a joint coordinate system with control points:

navvis-postprocessing --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*  --use-anchors --anchor-poses=/data/Project/my_anchor_poses.txt

Process a single dataset without panorama stitching:

navvis-postprocessing --no-pano --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/2014-11-23_14.48.37

Force panorama stitching for multiple datasets, overwrite existing data:

navvis-postprocessing --force-pano --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

Force Point cloud processing and coloring, overwrite existing data:

navvis-postprocessing --force-cloud --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

Process multiple datasets and set the desired number of panoramic images rendered in parallel:

navvis-postprocessing --num-panos-parallel=4 --proc-base-dir=/data/Project/datasets_proc /data/Project/datasets_rec/*

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