Control Point Poses File
  • 03 May 2024
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Control Point Poses File

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Article summary

Control point poses files contain the surveyed coordinates of control points. You must prepare these files before post-processing. You can specify surveyed control point coordinates in the anchor_poses.txt file located in the datasets_rec folder, or you can add an anchor_poses.csv file in the datasets_rec folder.

Control point poses are specified in a separate file for each dataset. To use a single anchor_poses.txt or anchor_poses.csv file for all datasets, specify the path to the file as an argument in the post-processing script. We recommend storing the control point poses file in the project's base folder.

Note: The old format has been deprecated and is not recommended for new projects, but NavVis will continue to support it for backward compatibility.

anchor_poses.txt file

Control point entries can be activated by removing the '#' at the beginning of the control point-coordinate line and changing the coordinates to the surveyed ones. The activated coordinates are then used when post-processing, provided that no other control point poses file is specified in the post-processing script.

The first non-empty line without a comment specifies the control point file format version. The following lines list the control point positions in the format anchor_name pos_x pos_y pos_z yaw_deg .

  • anchor_name : The control point's unique identifier.

  • pos_x pos_y pos_z : The control point's cartesian position (x, y, z).

  • yaw_deg : This value is currently not used and can be set to zero.


  • Indicate decimal places with periods, not commas.

  • Specify coordinates using a right-handed, local coordinate system, with the z-axis pointing upwards. If your geodetic coordinates use a left-handed coordinate system, these coordinates must be transformed.

  • Make sure the origin of the local coordinate system is not too far away from the mapping site (ideally, no more than a few kilometers). The post-processing aborts if any of the coordinate values are close to 20,000 meters.

# SLAM Anchor Pose File Format Version 1.1

# Comment lines start with a '#'

# The first nonempty line without comment specifies the anchor pose file format version.

# The remaining nonempty lines each specify a SLAM anchor pose in one of the following formats:
#  - 'anchor_name pos_x pos_y pos_z yaw_deg'
#  - 'anchor_name pos_x pos_y pos_z yaw_deg timestamp'

# IMPORTANT: Geodetic coordinates are usually in a left-handed coordinate system whereas mathematic
#            coordinate systems are right-handed. Make sure your coordinates are in a right-handed system!
# Hint: X -> Easting, Y -> Northing, Z -> Height

# Explanation of entries:
#  - anchor_name       : unique identifier of the anchor pose, surround with quotes if it contains spaces
#  - pos_x pos_y pos_z : Cartesian position of the anchor (right-handed coordinate system)
#  - yaw_deg           : Yaw Euler angle (degrees) specifying the anchor orientation
#  - timestamp         : Timestamp corresponding to the given pose (not required)

Anchor00001 	1000.458	1964.458	1.001	0
Anchor00002 	1000.000	2000.000	1.002	0
Anchor00003 	999.862    2025.802	1.003	0

anchor_poses.csv file

To avoid problems with processing, the anchor_poses.csv file needs to be structured in the format id, x, y, z . You can add an optional header line (similar to id, x, y, z ) to describe the columns.

  • id : The control point's unique identifier.

  • x, y, z : The control point's cartesian position (x, y, z)


  • Indicate decimal places with periods. Commas are supported but not suggested

  • Separate fields with commas. Semicolons are supported but not suggested.

  • Empty rows and data beyond the fourth column will be ignored.

  • Comment lines out by adding the '#' symbol.

id, x, y, z
Anchor00001, 1000.458, 1964.458, 1.001
Anchor00002, 1000.000, 2000.000, 1.002
Anchor00003, 999.862, 2025.802, 1.003

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